Athletic taping

Athletic Taping

Athletic taping or kinesiology taping is a generic term for the use of elastic tape on the skin in an effort to reduce pain, assist with injury recovery, improve movement and range of motion. Professional athletes can often be seen wearing kinesiology tape during competition and it has become common practice in many physiotherapy clinics as a treatment

While good research on the effectiveness of tape to reduce pain and improve function is limited, there are enough quality studies and empirical evidence to make a strong case for taping. It's low cost and low risk. It doesn’t take years of training or in-depth anatomy knowledge, but there is a bit of knack to handling it. But with the availability of YouTube videos and some practice, it's easily accessible to most people.

Here are a few tips:

  • Keep it simple
  • Don't stretch the tape too much
  • Rub the tape all over to ensure a good bond

If you have injuries or more complex issues other than some tightness or stiffness, it is best to see a good practitioner that has taping experience. Kinesiology taping can be a safe, low risk way to reduce pain and increase function.

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