for Kids
Ergonx Kids Fit
a superior range made just for kids
Ergonx Ultra, Ultra Soft & Sports comes in smaller / kids sizes. All have been podiatrist tested to ensure high quality off the shelf.
contoured to never hurt little feet
Ergonx have been designed to not over correct or "wedge" the foot. Which means Ergonx will never hurt little feet and they will only hold them in the foot's naturally neutral position.
growing pains minus the pain
Growing pains are real and they really are painful. Why let your child suffer through this when Ergonx can help.
comfortable or your money back
We've sold over 100,000 pairs of our innersoles to parents and we know they work. If you don't see improved results within 30 days, you can bring them back as part of our 30 day road test guarantee.
watch & learn
Our podiatrist review on the left highlights how Ergonx helps kids with busy little feet.